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Recent Art for July 15, 2003

Picture Count: 85

Pics 1-20 || Pics 21-40 || Pics 41-60 || Pics 61-80 || Pics 81-85

  Welcome to the recent art page, a collection of my most recent uploads. Just click on a thumbnail below and a larger image will open in this window. All images are drawn and coloured by me, Stephanie Ratté, unless otherwise stated. A thumbnail with a letter on it is its rating and should be viewed by mature audiences only. Please read this if you have any questions regarding my copyright policies. Thanks.


  Meep, more Nightcrawler pics! This is just a silly picture of Evolution Kurt wearing Movie Kurt's getup! Yay! I really like this one. My sister seriously wants a pair of pants like those. I want the jacket. I love that jacket :D And I like the pose! Very dynamic :D Hee... Wee, and this picture shows an example of the gawdy use of the Lens Flare filter on Photoshop. Oy... Hee.
Kurt © to Marvel/Fox. Art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  Wee, it's just a cute pic of Kurt hanging upside down. I love it when he does that! I think it's very cool... kinda makes you wish you had a prehensile tail :D Hee. Anyway, there was supposed to be another character in this pic with Kurt, but I didn't know who to draw, so I just finished the picture. Meep. And I like those little ridges I gave him on his back and tail-base. My Kurt is turning into a cross between Movie and Evolution Kurt... Heeee... :Ţ Yay! I think I also did a really good job on the colouring too... I really like my NEWnew scanner... it doesn't eat up my colours :D Hee.
Kurt © to Marvel/Fox. Art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  Except the fact that I got some purple smeared across his face, this picture of Kurt with his holigram on is really quite good. AND HE LOOKS LIKE KURT!! YAY!! And for some strange, assinane reason, I like that the hologram projection of Kurt puts his fingers together in sets of two. I dunno why. I'm psycho that way, I suppose... Heeee. And I love the colouring, yay! No more colour getting eaten up with THIS scanner *pats her scanner* Wee, I'm crazy... ANYWAY, A cute pic of Kurt pointing at... the border? Meh. *hugs sig-Kurt* Hee hee! XD
Kurt © to Marvel/Fox. Art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  I needed a picture for the splash page of Ratfink's Den, so I doodled this picture up of Ratfink's upper torso. I gave her a cool jacket with an X2 uniform feel (or attempted to, anyway) and attempted to cel-style shine it. Meep, that didn't work too well, but it gave the jacket a cool look, so it wasn't a total loss. And look how nicely my colours blend together! I'm so very happy! Great picture :)
Ratfink and art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  Yet another old picture of Ratfink and Trekkie I had lying around for quite some time. I'm not sure if I like this pic or not... see, Ratty's tail is in a weird shape, Trekkie's arm is too long, and there's that gross crinkle-line you can so clearly see across Ratty. And to top it all off, Ratty's hair is very badly inked. Eep. Merf, I hope Jess likes this one better than I do.
Trekker © 2002-03 to J. Ratté. Ratfink and art © 2002-03 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  And here's ANOTHER old pic of Ratfink and Trekker I had lying around. I'm not sure if I like this one either. Something about it seems very off, but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's proportion or something. Merf. And I put their first names on this pic, just for the heckuvit. Merf.
Trekker © 2001-03 to J. Ratté. Ratfink and art © 2001-03 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  I got the idea for this pic from one I saw on Manue's archive (methinks I visit there MUCH too often...). It's the happy couple pregnant with their first child, as y'all know, for my version of the future, is Jeanette. The drawing is really bad, but it was a cute idea, anyway. Meh.
Trekker © 2002-03 to J. Ratté. Ratfink and art © 2002-03 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  I've had this one lying around for quite a long time, about a year I think (I don't recall, I never dated the orginal...) before I decided to finish it. You can tell it's old just by the way it's drawn. It's a cute picture of the Soul Guardian protecting Child Soul, who looks so adorable in this one. There was no real purpose for this picture, simply that I needed a nice one of Child and Guardian. Meh. For those of you new to the site, Child Soul is Noah's lost soul trapped in between life and death, and Soul Guardian is Noah's future self, sent to protect his own soul. It's confusing, I know, but it all makes sense in the bulbous mass on my neck...
Both and art © 2002-03 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  This is just a nice picture I drew of Ratfink a long while ago just sitting down. It's not really that exciting, but the colouring looks really good. Merf.
Ratfink and art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  I was bored one day (or everyday, whichever) and decided I would try to create a new character, so I doodled up some heads of a kangaroo character, which was my intention :) She's going to be (or maybe, depends on if I create her or not...) Erica's British friend who's semi-goth. I dunno what semi-goth is, but the character heads came out looking gothic to me, so meh. I like the earring/neckalce design and want to keep that. And that head in the top left hand corner? DAMN SCARY. I have no idea what I was on when I drew that one. I like the one in the top right-hand corner and the one just below it. I like the style of the bangs in the front view on the left-hand side, and the back of the hair in the rear view. Yeah. So, it's a new nameless chica that I hope to create soon. Yeah.
Nameless Kangaroo Chica and art are © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  Another sketch of a new character I want to create but probably won't. You know, my favourite animal is a wolf, and I have NEVER created a wolf character? Well, that's what I was attempting with this one. I really like the large sideways head and all the heads below it. The character is initially supposed to be a reverend, hence the collar. I thought it would be funny to create a good-looking reverend that the LitterBox and the RD Girls could hit on but never could have :D Hee hee. I might stick with the idea and go ahead and create him, but I'm not sure. Erf, I dunno.
Nameless Wolf Dude and art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  Woah! Sonic art! I haven't done that in awhile! Lately, I have been trying to finish up stuff for my Sonic story series, the MT Series, namely the stories... :p Meh, anyway, I've been drawing bits and pieces of conceptual art and character art for the story and MP˛ because I love drawing the robots. Here's an updated version of the roboticized Antoine, whom I simply adore. In my series, Ant gets partially roboticized in the first story, then gets fully roboticized to help protect Knothole in Book 6, I think (it's been awhile, so I don't quite remember). I love this picture, as it portrays Ant's attitude in the series wonderfully. In my stories, he's not a coward, but is more reserved, thoughtful, and, well, a hopeless romantic. He also has some issues he deals with, which shows his tortured soul (goshles, I'm getting WAY too into this!) Meep! This was only supposed to be a profile pic for the website, but I liked it so much that I had to fix it up and post it :) Hee hee. I lurve Ant :)
Sonic and all related © to SEGA/Sonic Team. MechAntoine, the MT Series, and art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


   I wanted to draw furry versions of my main robots in my Sonic story series, The Metallic Touch. This is Matronica's furry version, which is actually, a revamp of a furry version I did of him almost 5 years ago. He looks kind of alright. I really like the robot head in the back though :) I thought it was a nice touch to add to the piece. Wee. Matronica, for those of you not familiar with my stories, is the leader of the test squadron and is the second-in-command of the Metallix Militia, who was placed in the test squad because of a flaw in his programming that allowed him free thought and emotion that would and could be used against the Militia. Wee, isn't that exciting? Hee. I like Mat.
Matronica, the MT Series, and art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  Another furry version of my robots, this time of my character Matrix, who is introduced in the currently-being-written MT #10. She is the first and only Matrixbot, a new female-programmed robot placed into Matronica's squadron to test her effieciency for the future creation of new Matrixbots for the Militia. Matronica calls her Matrix in the story, simply because she is the only one.
   I LOVE Matrix's furry version! She is so adorable! She's also a revamp of a previous drawing I did of her furried about 5 years ago. I'm not sure about the robot head in the BG, but it's still alright.
Matrix, the MT Series, and art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  This is the final pic of my robots in furry form. This is MechaSonic, who is the Commander of the Metallix Militia. He was redesigned in MT #9 to have black and gold armour, simply for my benefit so that I claim him as mine :) Hee. I figured because MS is a bad guy in my story, his furry version should portray that sort of attitude. I think I want the furry version of him to be more troubled than a bad guy. Yeah. I like this pic. And his BG head is my favourite of the three. Yes.
This version of MS, the MT Series, and art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  Wee! New character time! For the longest time, I had wanted to create an Egyptian-inspired character, namely a WitchCat. So, with a bit of research and browsing through a book I bought for my sister's birthday, I created this character :) Meet Bastet, my WitchCat guardian of Life. In Egyptian mythology, Bastet was the cat goddess and protector of cats. This is generally where I got the idea for my WitchCat to be a life guardian. Like Fate Herself, Bastet is a good WitchCat who protects the life energies of all creatures. This picture is the first "draft" picture I did of her, which I really don't like all that much but wanted to finish. The Bastet facing forward is all right, but the one facing sideways looks a little wonky... meh. Ah well. I still like the character :D Hee hee.
Bastet and art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  Here's another picture of my new Egyptian WitchCat character, Bastet. I decided I should draw a full body standing view of the character, just because. The headdress changed a bit, but I still do not like it. I'm having problems getting a headdress with colours I like. I might change it to green in future drawings of Bastet. Yeah. And the neckrings may become gold. Don't know yet. I like this picture though, so I suppose it doesn't matter. Meh.
Bastet and art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  Yet another picture of my new WitchCat, here's Bastet in her anthro form. I LOVE this picture, especially the big head in the background! I really don't know why I coloured it on the computer, I guess I was just feeling energetic :) Hee hee :) I really love her anthro version. She's so very pretty! Wee! I got the design from a picture of "human"-Bastet I found online somewhere. I like the green dress :) Wee! Anyhoo, it's anthro-Bast!
Bastet and art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  In my last update, I uploaded pictures of my WitchCats as Nightmarens. Well, I figured that since I created a new WitchCat character, why not draw her as a Nightmaren as well? :D Hee hee. Here's Bastet in her Nightmaren form, which I think is very unique :) She doesn't really have a outfit, per se, but her body has been adapted in the style of her wearing an outfit, yeah. And I like her cloth bootie things :) Hee hee. I'm very happy with this picture. I think I should have left her face white, though, but that's all right. Meh.
NiGHTS and all related © to Sonic Team. Bastet and art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.


  This is a picture that I felt needed to be drawn. It's a pic of my Australian twin characters, Aleisha and Allison Skyhopper. I drew this late last year and only recently felt motivated enough to complete it. Wee. I rarely draw Allison and just felt like putting them together in a picture. Yeah. I'm not really sure what else to say about this pic.
Both and art © 2002-03 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.

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