Woah! Sonic art! I haven't done that in awhile! Lately, I have been trying to finish up stuff for my Sonic story series, the MT Series, namely the stories... :p Meh, anyway, I've been drawing bits and pieces of conceptual art and character art for the story and MP˛
because I love drawing the robots. Here's an updated version of the roboticized Antoine, whom I simply adore. In my series, Ant gets partially roboticized in the first story, then gets fully roboticized to help protect Knothole
in Book 6, I think (it's been awhile, so I don't quite remember). I love this picture, as it portrays Ant's attitude in the series wonderfully. In my stories, he's not a coward, but is more reserved, thoughtful, and, well, a hopeless
romantic. He also has some issues he deals with, which shows his tortured soul (goshles, I'm getting WAY too into this!) Meep! This was only supposed to be a profile pic for the website, but I liked it so much that I had to fix it up
and post it :) Hee hee. I lurve Ant :)
Sonic and all related © to SEGA/Sonic Team. MechAntoine, the MT Series, and art © 2003 to Stephanie G.M. Ratté.