411 : Request Information
Want to know more about me? Then you've come to the right place! In this section you can learn about who I am,
where I'm from and a bunch of other random junk ^^
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Before Requesting Artwork
Before requesting ANY artwork from me, please note I will NOT do ANY of the following:
- Copyrighted Characters ... This means any sort of TM'd or ©'d creations, such as Disney and Warner Bros. I will, however do FAN art, such as a Digimon fan character. That's it.
- Hardcore or Child Pornography ... It is just plain disgusting to draw people doing the horizontal polka, wrong to exploit children (real OR drawn), and it just isn't me. The ONLY nudie art I will do is males naked down to the family jewels, and females wearing skimpy lingerie, so long as it is not X rated.
- Realistic Art ... PLEASE don't ask me to draw real things. I'm just not very good at it, and it takes too much time. I will, however, do Dragon artwork, and ONLY if it's a paid commission, just because they take SO long to do (cartoony-dragons do NOT count... cartoony I will do ^^).
- Comics ... This may change in the future, but right now, I have proven to both myself AND a very good friend that I CANNOT get comics done in less than a month... unless you are willing to wait 2 or 3 YEARS for me to finish it, please don't ask. One to 3 panel comics, I can do for you, as long as YOU provide the 3 panel plot.
- Anything Portraying Hatred ... This includes art intended to hurt another person, whether through race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or their system of beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their own ideas, and I will NOT be the one who will destroy that for anyone.
- Violence and Drugs ... I really hate seeing people wasting their lives away with drugs, and harming other people through violence. Please don't make me support it... I will draw, however much I do not want to, people using LEGAL drugs/alcohol. This is booze and cigarettes. THAT'S it. Small blood content in images are alright too, as long as no one's head has blown up... Conceptual fight scenes for stories are also okay too, 'cause, well, I've done it.
- Computer Coloured Art ... Computer colouring is something I do in my spare time and when I feel like it. It takes too much time for me to finish one image. Depending on the complexity of the image, it can take me between 3-6 hours for ONE image, which is time I'd much rather waste colouring 6 images by hand... I will, though, do Icons. Please read Special Requests for more info.
- No Descriptions ... I hate drawing pics from descriptions. Descriptions require me to do more work than I want to on a pic, and half the time people complain that I didn't draw their character right... PLEASE send me a pic of your character. All description exchanges will be turned down automatically. Yes, you can have a description WITH the pic, giving me an idea of what the character is like, but just the description alone is a definite no-no. HOWEVER, if all you can provide is a description, then please read the blurb I wrote on it here.
- More Than 3 Pics at Any Given Time ... You are allowed to request up to 3 pictures at a time. You cannot request another pic from me until I have finished your three. I only like doing about 6 requests at a time, so I want to give everyone equal oppportunity to ask for a picture from me.
I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in my beliefs and views. Now, onto the Info!
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Picture Exchanges
Pic exchanges are pics in which you draw a pic for me, and I will draw a pic for you. It's as simple as that. Please note the following when asking for a pic exchange:
- Pic exchanges are FREE and I will not, at any time, ask for money for them.
- If you ask me for a pic exchange, you will not recieve my half until I recieve yours. I would expect the same if I were to ask YOU for a pic exchange. It's very depressing when I get all excited about getting a pic and... well... it never comes.
- I love thank yous. Please remember that. It lets me know that you got your half instead of making me sit here for months on end not knowing if you got it or not.
- Please send me a pic of or a link to the character you want drawn. If you don't care which character I draw, send me a link to the page where YOUR characters reside, and I will be more than happy to pick one. NO DESCRIPTIONS-ONLY PLEASE. I cannot stress this enough. I hate doing them, end of story.
- Please email me your half of the pic when it's done. I hate looking for pics on an archive.
- I also do original pic exchanges. These are exchanges in which we draw a pic for each other, and send the orginals via snail-mail. I love these, and automatically accept these. Please read more down in Special Requests.
If you'd like to do a pic exchange, you can send an email to rat_lightshadow@hotmail.com and send your reference pic as an attachment.
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Picture Requests
Pic Requests are pictures that I draw for you, and all I expect in return is a thank you. Please note:
- Send me a pic of or a link to your character. It could be drawn by another artist who drew it for you.
- As much as I hate them, this is the ONLY type of request in which I will do a description-only pic. My assumption is that you do NOT have a pic of your character and would like one. HOWEVER. The description MUST be detailed, from what species the character is down to what he likes to do. A description like "He's a dog who likes to play baseball" is UNACCEPTABLE.
I need to know, MINIMUM, the character's age, gender, species and subspecies (ie. dog, German-Shepard or Human, Hispanic), what kind of clothes he likes to wear, what he likes to do, his colours for his fur and hair, and whether or not he has distinctive markings anywhere (scars, etc). If you have a picture of your character, I REQUIRE you to send it to me!!!
- NOT ALL DESCRIPTION REQUESTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Depending upon what my workload is looking like, I may or may not have the time to research your character should you send a desription only. You have a better chance of getting your picture done if it has a reference pic. :)
- PLEASE send me some sort of note saying you recieved the image. I hate not knowing whether or not you recieved your pic.
- I will NOT do a request if I find out you are an artist. I don't care if you think you are a terrible artist. I love pictures from three-year-olds, you think I care if you have talent?? I don't! Please, a picture in return is an amazingly cool gift for me :)
If you'd like to request a pic, you can send an email to rat_lightshadow@hotmail.com and send your reference pic as an attachment. If you are sending a description, PLEASE be REALLY REALLY detailed. It is VERY necessary. And remember, NOT ALL DESCRIPTION REQUESTS WILL BE ACCEPTED!
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Information about commissioning me is available here.
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Special Requests
Special requests are pics you are requesting for other people, special types of images, etcetera. The following are the types of images that I will do that fall into this category.
- Character Icons / Web Graphics ... I am willing to create a little character icon head for you if you so desire, like the ones on this page. I will do webpage buttons, so long as you clearly tell me what you'd like on them.
- Birthday Gifts/Cards ... I will do birthday pictures for a friend (or yourself, if you so desire) as long as you send a picture of the character who you would like to appear on the card, the name of the character, and what birthday it is. As well, send me their email, and I will deliver it personally to them into their inbox with your greeting (I will probably have a more organized birthday greeting site section soon).
- Short Comics ... As long as you provide the 3-panel script, I will gladly do it. Please also send pictures of the characters whom you'd like in the comic.
- Originals Pic Exchange ... That's correct, an Originals Pic Exchange, which simply means you draw a pic for me, I draw a pic for you, and we send each other the originals, for free, at no cost ^^ In the long run, this is a great alternative to paid Commisssions if you can't afford to buy my artwork, but still want an original ^^ I'm all for originals exchanges and will accept them on the spot ^^ Again, I want YOURS before I send out mine. I hate being jibbed.
If you have a special request, send an email to rat_lightshadow@hotmail.com and be very specific about what you want. Please send any reference pictures I will need and so on.
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Well, that's all for now. If there's anything I missed, please, don't hesitate to email me and I will answer it to the best of my abilities.
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